Tuesday, May 26, 2009

do you ever think you were born to do things other than what you do now? to maybe run a school or save the trees or clean the rivers or reduce plastic or find solutions for all of the above.

wouldn't that be more meaningful than writing a jingle to sell hair oil? or toothpaste?

Monday, May 25, 2009

you think?

you think they'll let him live? you think this time the dream will become a reality? you think the young ones will remain clean and pure? you think the old ones will learn a lesson or two? you think they'll think before taking a bribe? before stuffing their pockets and every available orifice with our hard earned money? you think they'll think and then say no? you think the electricity will finally come and the hunger will finally end and the hatred will finally vanish and the bombs will finally stop? you think that man in budelkhand will finally stop digging the well that yeilds no water? you think?

i think.

i hope.

i pray.