Tuesday, May 26, 2009

do you ever think you were born to do things other than what you do now? to maybe run a school or save the trees or clean the rivers or reduce plastic or find solutions for all of the above.

wouldn't that be more meaningful than writing a jingle to sell hair oil? or toothpaste?


BlueMist said...

Well it depends. If somebody enjoys selling that toothpaste or writing the jingle there is no harm. Ultimately what matters is what makes one happy.

goldfluke said...

i am selling dreams, giving hope, making people desire (in a small way) a better self... isn't that meaningful?

Anonymous said...

who says the two cant co-exist? You can write that Jingle and save the rain forests as well... Look at it this way:
Jingle = money (and more)+ Joy
Money = Saving trees = Joy

Writing that Jingle = Money + saving trees....

And if you try hard enough you'll find the time.. :)