Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I’m brave but I’m chicken shit. - alanis morissette


clearorcloudy said...

I was wandering though cyberspace when your blog title caught my eye. I ventured in and smiled. Its a line from the song i relate to the most...the most-est! (as I'm sure others hovering dangerously around the 30 mark do). I like the way you write. Your posts are like telegrams...crisp, to-the-point and loaded with emotion.
Me, I'm a rambler... Anyhow, point being...its nice to meet you...happy blogging! :)

Queenmatrai said...

I miss your blogging and your face...

Revati Upadhya said...

me too!

Jellybean said...

Your blog strikes a chord with me, also 30 and nearly happy! Ha. Looking forward to following you :)

Color Laser toner cartridges said...

xD brave but chicken shit? hmm..