Monday, July 31, 2006

Sometimes Anxiety silently creeps up on me from behind and seizes my mind. Struggle as i might, i can't let go, it has a firm hold on me. It then proceeds to seep into every pore of my being. It holds my stomach hostage. It freezes my brain. It thinks It has the last say.

But little does it know.

I have an escape hatch. And a secret tunnel. I can reason my way out. And I can exile it from this universe. And I can choose to ignore it. And I can laugh at it. And i can not give it the time of day.

So boo to you. anxiety.


Queenmatrai said...

Thats a good strategy as long as u can keep at it...

I use my 72 hour rule where anxiety is works well with me

Hope you're ok 30...

Hugs and Mwahs

± said...

way to go happy...
you cracked it...

I just go mad (not much of a change from the normal me) when anxiety stikes...

:) said...

i'm ok noojes. thanks.

Queenmatrai said...

Time to post my dear


Neha said...

I just pop-in my BP tablets and win. Or sort of.

once again said...

[look of awe]

teach me ..
teach me ....
teach me ...

Spazsim Chasm said...

hey... long time..
loved your post about running away to an island... i think i am having the same urge.. can't bear the thought of going back to work... whats work anyway...

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